
Welcome to the home page of the 3-PG User Guide, created by the Integrated Remote Sensing Studio in collaboration with BP. This website includes some background on 3-PG, as well as how to use the 3-PG executable. Topics can be explored by using the panel on the left hand side of the page, or clicking the headings directly. Click the 3-PG logo at any time to return to the home page.


1. Background

  • What is 3-PG?
  • How does 3-PG Work?
  • What can we do with it?

2. Input Datasets

  • What do we need for 3-PG to work

3. The C++ Executable

  • A step-by-step guide to using the 3-PG executable

4. 3-PG Outputs

  • Available output variables

5. Other Implementations of 3-PG

6. Species Parameterization

7. Additional Resources

8. Technical Details